
Chongqing's Smart System Spearheads China's First Inter-Provincial Water Collaboration

发布者:Jinggu 发布日期:2024-04-11 16:26:11

Chongqing – The real-time environmental conditions of 120 city rivers were vividly presented on a high-definition screen, signifying a major leap in water management technology. This is the Bayu Zhishui application system, a tool that enables Chongqing to regulate its rivers and watercourses effectively.

The Bayu Zhishui application system. (Photo/Zheng Ran)

According to the operation center of the Chongqing Municipal Ecology and Environment Bureau, Bayu Zhishui won the 2023 Digital Chongqing Top Application Award and was nationally promoted by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment for its smart water management. This highlights its key role in using digital technology for ecological preservation.

Lu Li, Deputy Director of the Water Ecology and Environment Department of the Chongqing Municipal Ecology and Environment Bureau, explained that Bayu Zhishui combines data from 22 departments, gathering over 690 data points and monitoring over 15,000 locations. This creates a comprehensive digital ecosystem for enhanced water management in Chongqing.

Lu Li, Deputy Director of the Water Ecology and Environment Department of the Chongqing Municipal Ecology and Environment Bureau. (Photo/Zheng Ran)

The system supports five key scenarios: detection, early warning, governance, assessment, and evaluation, enabling a full cycle from identifying to resolving water issues for comprehensive and effective management.

Lu stated that the app is China’s first to enable online inter-provincial collaboration for water challenges, with the Tongbo River pilot project between Sichuan and Chongqing illustrating this.

On March 19, high ammonia nitrogen and permanganate levels were found in the Tongbao River. The app system forecasted downstream effects within 12 hours and alerted authorities, prompting quick responses from Liangping District and Sichuan’s Dazhu County. By March 21, the water quality met standards, successfully resolving the issue.

The Bayu Zhishui system promptly notified relevant authorities about the issue in the Tongbo River on March 19, enabling immediate action. (Photo/Zheng Ran)

“This system has cut down the time to address water issues from an average of seven days to under 24 hours and boosted efficiency by 80%,” Lu added.

Lu highlighted the collaborative use of data shared by other government departments, including water characteristics and ecological data. Moving forward, they plan to enhance monitoring of water sources and sewage outlets by expanding data sharing and utilizing agricultural video probes, aiming for greater efficiency with lower costs.

Chongqing’s location by the Yangtze River and the Three Gorges Reservoir area underscores the importance of water protection for its future. Bayu Zhishui’s implementation is key to the city’s digital governance and ecological sustainability efforts.

The year 2023 saw remarkable achievements in water quality within the Chongqing section of the Yangtze River mainstream, maintaining Class II standards and achieving a 100% rate among national examination sections for the first time since the inception of the 14th Five-Year Plan.


