
AI-Driven Ecological Protection at Shuanggui Wetland Park

发布者:Jinggu 发布日期:2023-12-25 15:08:06

Chongqing – During the recently held joint promotion for Ecological China•Amazing West in Chongqing Liangping District, aimed at highlighting Western China’s natural beauty and ecological achievements, the Shuanggui Lake National Wetland Park served as a prime example of successful environmental stewardship.

Work to transform Shuanggui Lake into a national wetland park started as a pilot project in 2015 and culminated with the Ramsar Convention recognizing Liangping as an international wetland city. China now ranks first in the number of wetland cities, accounting for 13, which hold this accreditation from 43 worldwide.

Shuanggui Lake in Liangping District has been recognized internationally as a wetland city. It provides a strong demonstration of how AI tools can enhance the cause of ecological protection and awareness. (Photograph/Xiang Chengguo)

This wetland and surrounding park areas span 349.97 hectares and have seen a 1.2 billion yuan investment in 18 ecological projects. These projects enhance the natural landscape and wetlands, add recreational spaces, and incorporate smart management systems

Biodiversity at Shuanggui Lake has flourished with 623 vascular plant species and 213 bird species now present. Each year, tens of thousands of migratory birds, including rare species like the blue-headed pochard, winter here, returning after a 39-year absence in Chongqing.

In order to closely monitor the biodiversity and migratory patterns of bird species at Shuanggui Lake, an AI-powered observation system that utilizes a network of 11 high-definition cameras installed at key positions around the wetland park, the visual recognition software makes use of big data algorithms to identify the species and keep accurate records of their specific numbers.

Park staff and experts use an intelligent birdwatching platform on the southern banks for real-time data analysis and camera feed observation, showcasing the integration of technology in Western China’s ecological efforts.

Shuanggui Lake has seen the return of numerous bird species since the wetland park was completed (Photograph/Yu Xianhuai)

Among the numerous advantages, this system precisely identifies endangered birds and tracks their migration in detail, yielding data beyond traditional methods. Its insights greatly enhance ecological protection efforts in the wetland park.

Furthermore, the intelligent birdwatching facilities have played an important role in raising the profile of science popularization, as enthusiasts now use the images and data for educational trips aimed at school children, while public outdoor events are organized to coincide with international days marked for ecological protection, which in turn benefits the environment through greater care and understanding on the natural environment.



